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Discipline Therapy Agreement

I. For The Disciplined

Date ______________________.

I, ______________________________________________.

do hereby acknowledge that I have read the Discipline Therapy Agreement and approve of the doctrines it advocates. From this date on it is my wish to have my conduct regulated by the enforcement of these doctrines. I give to my disciplanarian, therefore, the full right and permission to spank me whenever he feels such discipline would prove helpful and be in accordance with the spirit of the agreement. This Agreement has been entered into willingly—and for no other purpose than to improve my disposition and secure the general benefit that always comes from the enforcement of intelligent discipline. I understand that I will be spanked without fail if I break my promise to refrain from:


(List Causes which have been agreed upon.)


I promise to cooperate with my disciplinarian faithfully. I will get ready for the punishment promptly when asked to do so and I will bear him absolutely no ill-will for so disciplining me.

I promise further to ASK for spankings when I feel I need them. I realize that Request Punishment plays a highly important part in the Discipline Therapy, and I will report and ask for the discipline when I feel need or deserve it.



X _________________________________ (disciplined)


II. For Disciplinarian

I, ________________________ ______________________,

in accordance with her wishes, as expressed above, do hereby promise and agree to spank her when-ever I feel such discipline would prove helpful to her. I have read the Discipline Therapy Agreement carefully, and subscribe to the RULES AND REGULATIONS. I especially agree as follows:

1st—To spank her with the open palm of my hand,. or other implement agreed to.

2nd—To take care not to cut her skin or raise welts.

3rd—To spank her only upon her bare buttocks, after she has placed herself across my lap in the regular spanking position, or other position as I deem appropriate.

4th—To resume friendly relations immediately after a spanking is over. To hold a grudge or to continue a quarrel or misunderstanding after a spanking has been administered is in direct violation of the whole spirit of Discipline Therapy.

For her own good, I promise to discipline her without fail whenever any of the causes listed above have been violated.



X _________________________________ (disciplinarian)

Covering the Administering of  Discipline Therapy.

1.  Women are to be spanked on the buttocks only, never whipped.  A woman can be spanked with the palm of the hand, or other implement as mutually agreed to.

2.  The punishment should continue long enough, however, to be truly effective and to impart a beneficial lesson.

3.  A spanking must never be administered in anger. Wait until both parties are calm and it can be carried out properly.

4.  The spanking over, the incident must close. To hold anything against a punished woman, after a spanking has been given, is in direct violation of this whole method of  correction.

5.  Requested punishment MUST be given. Here we have a most important and valuable feature of Discipline Therapy. It is not enough to take the discipline without fuss or argument when our punishing partner feels we should have it—you must also ASK FOR IT, when we know or feel that we deserve it! 

6.  Not more than two spanking can be administered in any one day. It is seldom necessary to observe this precaution—but it is put in to cover very unusual and unexpected circumstances. In the extremely rare instances where a woman really merits more than two spankings in any one day, the punishment must be postponed to the next day or to whatever day her disciplinarian deems best.  

7.  The punishment should be inflicted upon the bare bottom. In no other way can a careful check be kept on the progress of the spanking. Remember, the idea of corporal punishment is to redden and sting the flesh effectively. To do the job intelligently, therefore, a constant scrutiny of the skin MUST be maintained. A spanking administered over clothing—even a thin, single garment is "blind punishment." It may be altogether too severe, or not severe enough.

8.  Discipline Therapy doctrines call for the PROMPT ACCEPTANCE of the discipline. There must be no argument—no protest—no pleading to be let off—no hard feelings about it!

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